Monday, January 23, 2012

New Storyboard for Module #3

Introduction of myself
Music playing
Motion media clip

Reference of media clip:
Where conference will take place
Denver, Colorado
June 27-30 at Colorado Convention Center

Start introducing Collaboration:
What it is?

“Collaborative practice is now central to the way we work, deliver services and produce innovations. Collaboration generally refers to individuals or organizations ‘working together’ to address problems and deliver outcomes that are not easily or effectively achieved by working alone”. –ARACY, 2009

Understanding Collaboration
 in Education

Reference of chart:
Introduce speaker: Karen Blumberg
Where she is from; what she does; collaboration

Title of speech: Collaborating with Google Apps in the 21st Century




Script discussing collaboration in general with in learning community by author
According to Academic Leadership Live, an online journal, and Knackendoffel, there are key features in regards to collaboration to be successful.
  It is voluntary
  Requires parity among participants
  Based on mutual goals
  Depends on shared responsibility for participation and decision making
  Individuals who collaborate share their resources
  Individuals who collaborate share accountability for outcomes

Why is collaboration needed in education?

It is critical that organizations engage in collaboration among individuals and groups who share a common vision in order for those individuals and groups to achieve the vision as stated by Lay.
Collaborative processes are ways for colleagues to share best practices and strategies that are effective in the classroom.
Video clip from instructional coordinator about the importance of teacher collaboration in schools.

Reference of media clip:
Reference of information:

Reference of figure:
In a recent article about collaboration outcomes through process structuring, a group of professors discussed the importance of collaboration in a virtual team is necessary to have effective work.
Why does collaboration work?


Reference of clip art:
“Successful collaboration may work by providing individuals faced with stressful situations with material and emotional support, which allows them to broaden and build on their own personal resources” (Conoley & Conoley, 2010).



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