Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Module #2 Assignment

Elements of Distance Education Diffusion

George Siemens discussed the growing acceptance of distance education in today’s corporate and educational spheres, including three possible elements of distance education that are creating more effective learning experiences and giving distance education an identity of its own distinct from F2F courses: (a) global diversity, (b) communication, and (c) collaborative interaction. Do you agree or disagree with his view?
Select one of these three elements for your reflection in this module and respond to the following in your blog:
  • How has this element evolved?
  • What online tools are available today to facilitate these interactions among learners?


"Distance education is not globally confined" (Siemens, ). I agree with Siemens view on global diversity as it relates to online learning communities and technology. Siemens discusses how global diversity is a growing trend among distance learning. Global diversity has evolved in the sense that more universities are opening up there doors to the world and to online learning. The people that are involved in these communities often have the same mind set as discussed by Siemens. 

The online tools that are available today to help facilitate global interactions among learners are numerous. One tool that is very efficient is skype. Colleagues are able to talk over the internet through skype to discuss strategies face-to-face without having to travel far from home. 


Laureate Education, Inc. (2008). Principles of Distance Education. Baltimore: Author.


  1. Hi Kasey! I agree with you that global diversity is an important and exciting element of distance learning. Online learners are exposed to so many different points of view!

    Oh, also, I don't know how blogspot works, but on Wordpress there is an option to save your posts as drafts until you are ready to post them or to schedule a publishing date at some point in the future. It's great that you have all your assignment posts written out, but you might want to keep them hidden until their actual module comes around. That way people can spot your post for the current module right away and it won't be buried under the other stuff. Just a thought, but of course it's your blog so do what makes you happy! Have a good vacation.....


  2. Julie,
    Thanks for the suggestion. I did put a schedule on the posts, but I published them instead of saving them. I went back and did that.

  3. Hi Kasey,

    I feel that distance education is also not globally confined. I feel that it is important for online learning communities to be open to everyone world wide. With this technology in place students can go to any university and not have to be in the same state. I like your idea of using skype in the educational setting. By using this tool you can be face-to-face with someone and not actually be in the same place with them.

  4. There are definitely many online tools that facilitate global interactions. It is wonderful to see how online learning can be enhanced just by use of Skype or other online communication tools. It is great to see how these tools helps communication among people globally.

  5. Kasey,

    The internet has provided a means to bring the world to us. DE has definitely expanded the boundaries of the classroom. learning no longer confined to the four walls of the classroom.
