Monday, February 13, 2012

Module #6--Final Presentation


Dittman, D. R., Hawkes, M., Deokar, A. V., & Sarnikar, S. (2010). IMPROVING VIRTUAL TEAM COLLABORATION OUTCOMES THROUGH COLLABORATION PROCESS STRUCTURING. Quarterly Review Of Distance Education, 11(4), 195-210. Retreived from ebscohost.


Collaborate in a virutal team is a necessary skill for people to have effective work. Members are responsible for their individual task. Communication is key to success with collaboration. Collaboration is a world wide phenomenon. Most people do not have the necessary skills to be able to collaborate effectively. Collaboration has been in place for many years, and there are numerous ways to work effectviley with it. It all depends on the goals that are set by the group and the amount of effort put forth.

Knackendoffel, E. (2007). Collaborative teaming in the secondary school. Focus on Exceptional Children, 40(4), 1.


Collaboration can be described as an attitude rather than a certain way of delivering services. One of the steps to collaboration involves determining colleagues' willingness to collaborate. It provides a process and structure to guide problem-solving sessions. Teachers who have used this process state that the outcomes of their problem-solving sessions are very successful.

Laymon, S. (2010). Implications of Collaboration in Education. Academic Leadership Live The Online Journal, 8(4).


There are numerous examples of collaboration in education. Administration to teacher, administration to student, teacher to student, and teacher to teacher are justa couple of the examples that play a crutial part in the success of a school. Having a collaborating environment is not easy. There are several key factors to collabortaion:

1. voluntary

2. parity among participants

3. mutual goals

4. shared responsibility

5. share resources

6. share accountability

Philip Bloom. (2011, December 2). Collaboration is the Key to Success [Web log post]. Retrieved from


What makes collaboration successful? According to Bloom, collaboration is the basis of the success to almost everything. It sparks creativity with a group of people that normally you would not be working with such as people from other countries with different prespectives on ideas. There are three different forms of collaboration that can exist in either roles, relationships, or skill sets. One of the biggest driving forces for collaboration, according to Bloom, has been the way new audiences are established.

Google. (2007, May 31). Google Apps Quick Tour [Video file]. Retrieved from


Gives a tour of what google apps can do in regards to collaboration. I contains email and collaboration tools for groups such as iGoogle, Google Docs, Picasa, and Google Reader.

Blog. (n.d.). In Wikipedia.Retrieved January 3, 2012, from


Defintion of what a blog is in regards to group collaboration. Blogs are a great way for groups, world wide, to share ideas and information through chat and posts. People can view a blog and comment on the ideas.

Wiki. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved January 7, 2012, from


Definition of what a wiki is in regards to group collaboration. Wiki's are used to allow members to add, delete, and modify content using a web browser. Pictures, videos, presentations, and information can be uploaded to share with the members.

Conoley, J. & Conoley C. (2010). Why Does Collaboration Work? Linking Positive Psychology and Collaboration. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 20, 75-82. doi: 10.1080/10474410903554902


Collaboration is the key element to the success of students in a classroom, especially students with special needs. A collaborative team can help build the needed support to help students have success cross curriculum. Social support is an important aspect of a collaborative teams role with student engagement.

Lay, J. (2009, February). Collaboration in Action: Joining Forces with Peers to Create Positive Impact. The Data Crunch. Retreived from


Collaboration is needed according to all educators. Discussions of the value of collaboration and where is it heading in the network. There have been improvements made based on collaboration, but if colleagues do not reinforce the ideas it will not be “important.”

Thomas, M. (2002, March/April). What is Collaboration to You? Library Talk.


Collaboration is used widely in the education field. Most schools want to improve upon their instruction through collaborating with other team members in different academic settings. Collaboration study needs to stay with the demand pace for the practice. Observing good collaborative practices will be critical to individuals that struggle. Staff development and awareness needs to be brough to the attention of the faculty.

Hong, H.Y. (2011). Beyond Group Collaboration: Facilitating an Idea-centered View of Collaboration through Knowledge Building in a Science Class of Fifth-graders. The Asia-Pacific Education Reseacher, 20(2), 246-260.


A study completed with 52 5th graders in two Science class. Data mainly came from students' online activities recorded and interviews regarding their collaboration. They found that students that collaborate are more likely to have success in the classroom and later in life. They are becoming more social with their peers and will ask for help on a common goal.

Keast, R. & Mandell, M. (2009). What is collaboration? Advancing Collabortion Practice. Retreived from


Collaboration is a part of a joint plan that is working on the relationships. Working together is the key to help address problems in an organization. Cooperation is a vital element to sharing needed information with the group. Collaboration can be a challenge for most organizations, but there are perks in the future.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Module #5 Concept Map: Static versus Dynamic Technologies Reflection

Static means not changing and indicates where technology comes from. Dynamic basically means changing.In information systems we talk about Dynamic services or content as coming from databases or real-time feeds of data. This means that as systems change, the information shared between the users of the data changes as well.

There is a wide range of learning technologies within the areas of communication, collaboration, and content in education; the spectrum includes dynamic, middle, and static technologies. Static technology examples for the area of communication include video streaming, email, phone calls, and instant messaging. Collaboration in static learning technologies are not interactive and include chat rooms, discussion forum, message boards, and bulletin boards. Content is spread througout static learning technologies such as web pages, eBooks, and podcasts, and blogs. Dynamic technology examples for the area of content generation include Study Island, ipad apps and games, simulations, and twitter. Collaboration in dynamic learning techologies are very interactive and they include video conferening, discussion boards, document sharing, and elluminate sessions. Communication is dynamic learning includes programs like wiki, text messages, phone calls, and skype.

With some of the listed programs and innovations, I am very comfortable using and use daily such as discussion forum, message boards, blog, wiki, text messages, phone calles, and Study Island. Some are dynamic, but most are static. As an educator and a student, I need to step out of the box and learn to use more of the dynamic forms of technology to promote collaboration, content, and communication.